11/20/2020 / By Ethan Huff
For the past few weeks, the media has doubled down on its “no evidence” claim, insisting that the 2020 election was nothing but fair and honest. The new website HereIsTheEvidence.com, however, proves that this is a bald-faced lie.
Associated with Robert Barnes, a famed constitutional, civil rights, and tax attorney, HereIsTheEvidence.com is full of damning information that the talking heads on television continue to insist is nonexistent.
Outlined at the site are many of the known election “irregularities” that we now know resulted in votes for President Trump disappearing or being swapped with Joe Biden’s votes to produce a different outcome.
HereIsTheEvidence.com also contains a submission link where those who witnessed election fraud firsthand, or know someone else who did, can submit their stories for investigation.
As of this writing, there are 565 unique entries at the site that outline instances of government corruption, illegal votes, polling place “irregularities,” discarded or destroyed ballots, voting machine “irregularities,” and a whole lot more.
The entries are ranked both by “significance” and “admissibility level,” meaning visitors to the site can sort through each one based on its perceived level of importance and impact on the election results.
“The stated purpose is to crowd-source evidence to be used in court, presumably by challengers to the 2020 election process,” writes A.J. Cooke for National File.
The site itself explains that because of the “irregularity” of the election results, the need for open-source submissions has never been greater, especially since the establishment refuses to even consider the possibility of election fraud.
“Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems,” the site explains about its mission.
It further clarifies that entries should not contain general election news stories or updates, but rather “items of evidence that would be admissible in court” only.
The 2020 election is arguably the most contested in our nation’s history. To keep up with the latest developments, be sure to visit Trump.news.
The Trump campaign, meanwhile, is busy filing lawsuit after lawsuit in the states most important to his win, as well as in those where the most fraud appears to have taken place.
There have been countless reports of poll watchers, especially those watching on behalf of Republicans, being turned away from ballot facilities in direct violation of the law. Instances of ballot stuffing and other “anomalies” are also detailed in numerous sworn affidavits.
So even as Democrats continue to demand that Trump concede a loss, investigations and lawsuits are in process that suggest Biden’s “win” is far from legitimate, and is hardly set in stone.
Ironically enough, this is the opposite of what Democrats were howling back in 2018 when one of their own refused to concede an election loss in North Carolina, instead demanding an investigation into alleged fraud. Now that the tables are turned, however, Trump is the bad guy for doing exactly the same thing.
When asked about his current work, Barnes stated during a weekly livestream event with YouTube’s Viva Frei that such information is protected under attorney-client privilege. He did admit that he is working in Georgia and told viewers to “just follow the news.”
Barnes’ best-known case is arguably the Wesley Snipes one in which he defeated felony tax charges that amounted to more than $23.5 million. Barnes is also currently involved in the Covington Catholic High School case involving students who were slandered by the mainstream media as “racists.”
“If this election produced the kind of statistical anomalies and anecdotal evidence of illicit ballots in any other country, they would call the election in doubt,” Barnes tweeted. “Shouldn’t the same standards apply to our elections that we apply to foreign elections?”
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Tagged Under:
attorney, cheaters, disputed, election, election fraud, fraud, HereIsTheEvidence.com, irregularities, Joe Biden, President Trump, proof, rigged, Robert Barnes
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