News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
More fake news: White House DENIES Trump had 2nd “meeting with Putin,” as media continues to push bogus “collusion” narrative
It’s no wonder the Trump White House detests the media. Despite the fact that Donald Trump Jr. met last year with a Russian lawyer allegedly connected to the Kremlin who said she had dirt on Hillary Clinton — which turned out to be bogus — there is no evidence whatsoever proving that the campaign of […]
By JD Heyes
Trump presidency “failing?” Actually, president is doing exactly what he promised: making America great again
If all you read or listen to is the disgustingly dishonest Washington establishment media, on any given day throughout his first six months on the job, President Donald J. Trump was teetering on the edge of failure, just a tweet or a comment or a misstep away from losing it all, taking the country down […]
By JD Heyes
“Cold civil war” now exists in America: Is a HOT civil war on the horizon?
A legendary reporter, executive editor and vice president of the Washington Post says that politically divided Americans are now engaged in a “cold civil war” that has been largely fed, then exacerbated, by the media. Carl Bernstein, appearing over the weekend on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” program with host Brian Stelter, made his observations in the […]
By JD Heyes
New meta-data analysis bolsters likelihood that Seth Rich copied and leaked the DNC emails, not the Russians
A newly released meta-data analysis of Democratic National Committee files that were eventually published by the Guccifer 2.0 persona were not “hacked” by “Russians” but instead were most likely downloaded locally by someone who had physical access to the DNC’s computer system. The findings provide additional evidence that someone within the DNC — like murdered […]
By JD Heyes
John Podesta gets DESTROYED by Maria Bartiromo over his RUSSIA connections
One of the most underreported stories of the 2016 election (as in, the so-called “mainstream” media all but ignored it) was Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s extensive financial ties to Russia. But since her loss to Donald J. Trump, all the rage in the establishment media circles has been tying the current president to […]
By JD Heyes
Legal expert: No “crime” committed by Donald Trump Jr. in talking with a foreign source about NOTHING
The insane Left-wing media’s latest assault against President Donald J. Trump has been launched not against him but against his son, Don Jr., in what many see as the latest desperate attempt to perpetuate the myth that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton. A series of reports by […]
By JD Heyes
Does it even matter whether Donald Trump Jr. met with someone purporting to be a “Russian government lawyer?” Not at all
Okay, so we’ll admit that the evidence, such as it is, against Donald Trump Jr.’s supposed “Russia collusion” is pretty damning, if you take it at face value and you don’t bother to look into the story any further. Reporting by The New York Times, once again using leaked information that is no doubt illegal, […]
By JD Heyes
Remember those times when foreign governments sought to collude with or influence Hillary Clinton’s campaign?
Since Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the November election, the apoplectic Democratic Left has been grasping at every straw possible to explain the loss to its base, settling on a principle theme created out of whole cloth: The Trump campaign colluded with Russia to hack/steal the election. The most recent iteration of this […]
By JD Heyes
Ex-Obama cyber security czar exposes “Russian hacking” hoax, says it DIDN’T happen
As various committees throughout the Republican-led Congress and special counsel Robert Mueller continue to waste tax money investigating allegations of so-called “collusion” between the campaign of Donald J. Trump and Russia, a former Obama cyber security expert has admitted that there is no truth whatsoever to a second narrative: That Russia “hacked” the election. But […]
By JD Heyes
Four ways U.S. intelligence reporting on “Trump-Russia collusion” is extremely deceptive
Ever since the November election the Deep State has been attempting to ‘sell’ the American public on the notion that Donald J. Trump and his campaign team somehow “colluded” with Russia to undermine the election and “steal” it from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Why? Because Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, of […]
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