News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Where are all of the “mainstream media” fact-checks and apologies for being consistently wrong about the “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax?
Literally for years, Americans were treated to one breathless report after another claiming that ‘evidence exists’ Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign “colluded” with Russia to ‘steal the election from Hillary Clinton.’ Mind you, these same media outlets were never actually citing any actual evidence; rather, they were allowing themselves to be conduits for deep state #NeverTrump […]
By JD Heyes
Enough already: It’s time to arrest Sen. Charles Schumer for making an illegal threat against the Supreme Court
Earlier this week, in yet another attempt to prove what abortion zealot he is, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer attended a pro-death rally on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building and, in the eyes of many, blatantly broke the law. Specifically, Schumer directed a threat at two of the high courts justices, Neil […]
By JD Heyes
Independent media journalists to be charged as FELONS for reporting on the growing Second Amendment sanctuary movement in Virginia?
In case you missed it, there is a growing gun law nullification movement in Virginia spurred on by threats from newly empowered Democrats to pass a bevy of new laws aimed at restricting residents’ Second Amendment rights. Among the laws being proposed: Waiting periods, bans on high-capacity magazines, bans on “assault weapons,” and even confiscation […]
By JD Heyes
When are the deep state Spygate conspirators and their mainstream media enablers going to apologize to Americans for abusing our trust?
On Sunday, Georgetown University law professor Jonathan Turley wrote in The Hill that there are a lot of people who owe one-time 2016 Trump campaign adviser Carter Page a huge apology. He noted: After he was acquitted in a major fraud trial, former Labor Secretary Ray Donovan asked, “Which office do I go to to […]
By JD Heyes
The swamp will never honestly investigate the swamp: Imminent IG report will clear the FBI and bury any evidence of a coup against Trump
Reports last week by “mainstream media” outlets that serve as propaganda outlets for Democrats and the Deep State claimed that a long-awaited upcoming report from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will clear all “Spygate” figures of any wrongdoing in their plot to undermine and depose President Donald Trump. The New York Times, for instance, […]
By JD Heyes
2020 Dem candidate and media mogul Michael Bloomberg won’t be investigated by his own news organization but they will dig deep for dirt on Trump, of course
Most Americans are aware that the so-called “mainstream media” is fraudulent, dishonest, and a vehicle for Left-wing propaganda, but former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who announced this week he’s seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, just took journalistic malpractice to a whole new level. In a tweet on Sunday, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg’s namesake news […]
By JD Heyes
Devin Nunes destroys “star impeachment witness” Marie Yovanovitch by exposing her as nothing more than a deep state Democrat operative
Friday’s “impeachment show” in the House featured a witness Democrats running the scam touted as someone with ‘intimate knowledge’ of President Trump’s ‘unconscionable,’ ‘objectionable’ interactions with the leader of Ukraine over the summer. The diplomat, Amb. Marie Yovanovitch, had already testified that the president went ‘outside’ of the ‘normal diplomatic processes’ when dealing with Ukraine […]
By JD Heyes
Same indy media censored by social media giants uncovered truth about pedophile Jeffrey Epstein while the fake “mainstream” media covered it up
For years, serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who recently died behind bars awaiting trial under extremely suspicious circumstances, was known in elite circles as a ‘suspected’ provider of underage ‘female entertainment’ for such notables as former President Bill Clinton. And for about as long, independent media sources like this one were reporting on the allegations. Natural […]
By JD Heyes
If “quid pro quo” is illegal, then EVERY member of Congress belongs behind bars
Americans are being sold another lie about President Donald Trump. But at the same time, by lying about something he didn’t do, Democrats and their allied propaganda media are also misinforming the public about how administrations function when it comes to foreign policy. As you likely know, Democrats voted last week to formalize “impeachment inquiry” […]
By JD Heyes
Ukrainian government planned in February to RE-open probe into corrupt gas company that paid both Bidens
Long before President Donald Trump spoke to Ukrainian President Zelensky about Obama-era corruption, that government was planning to reopen an investigation into a corrupt gas company that once employed Joe Biden’s son Hunter as an “adviser” and paid the former vice president $900,000 through a straw firm. “I can confirm to you tonight, the U.S. […]
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