News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Trump finally uses the word “TREASON” to describe the Deep State coup attempt against him
Once it became crystal clear that the Deep State operatives loyal to Barack Obama and to the preservation of the Washington political establishment had conspired against POTUS Donald Trump in an unprecedented attempt to remove him from office, we began using the “T” word to describe their behavior. “T” as in treason. What else do […]
By JD Heyes
The top media co-conspirators in the Deep State’s failed coup attempt against POTUS Trump, and why you can never trust them again
When most people hear the phrase “Deep State” they often correctly think of a person who is likely associated with federal law enforcement, the political establishment, or the U.S. intelligence community. Rarely do they consider that American media figures are part of a Deep State cabal seeking to undermine the will of the people. And […]
By JD Heyes
Russia hoax COLLAPSES: Not a single American charged with collusion with Russia; left-wing media has been LYING all along
Well, that was a bust, but an expensive one — in real dollars and in terms of our country’s political health. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report regarding his “witch hunt” probe of POTUS Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign over allegations of “collusion” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton has proven two things. […]
By JD Heyes
Astonishing bias: 452 Islamic terror attacks in 31 countries just THIS YEAR (so far) and zero coverage from the media
The vast majority of Americans have come to expect biased coverage from the so-called “mainstream media,” and what’s more, they have come to expect that coverage will be designed to advance the Democrats’ Left-wing agenda. That’s according to some of the most recent polling data available. But additional evidence also supports the contention that what […]
By JD Heyes
HUGE: President Trump announces executive order requiring universities to guarantee free speech if they want federal tax money
Upset that conservatives continue to be silenced, banned, and even attacked on America’s increasingly Left-wing college campuses, POTUS Donald Trump said on Saturday he’s prepared to fire a financial warning shot across their bows. Speaking to a packed, enthusiastic crowd at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, the president said he was preparing […]
By JD Heyes
BOOM: Video surfaces of Nigerian brothers involved in Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax buying red hats, ski masks
Another day, another piece of the “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax is revealed. As damning evidence goes, this is more damning than most. Video of the two Nigerian brothers identified by Chicago PD as being co-conspirators in the hoax has surfaced showing them buying items they wore during what appears to have been […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist media refusing to report no “collusion” found between Russia and Team Trump proves they really are the “ENEMIES of the people”
For two years the so-called “establishment press” has reported, breathlessly most of the time, every single aspect of the alleged “collusion” between Mother Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. ‘POTUS Donald Trump is guilty alright,’ they told us time and time again. ‘You just wait and see! The evidence is plain!’ Only, two years after […]
By JD Heyes
Lawyer for Covington teen releases jaw-dropping video laying out lies spread by mainstream media and Native American activist
The American Left and the ‘mainstream’ media (MSM) that serves as its propaganda wing aren’t used to having their fabricated cultural, political, and social narratives disputed and opposed, but after what happened to a group of teen boys from a Catholic high school in Kentucky last month, one lawyer is seriously challenging them. Most Americans […]
By JD Heyes
Those who side with Democrats are siding with DEATH, warns Pro-Life Health Ranger
Democratic lawmakers in two states made huge advances last week in destroying what remains of decent, traditional American culture by either passing or moving closer to passing legislation that allows the destruction of a viable human life right up to a mother’s full term of pregnancy. Late last month Democrats in New York State shocked […]
By JD Heyes
Lawyer: Fake news media must retract false reporting on Covington Catholic School students or face a wave of lawsuits for slander and defamation
Even though the First Amendment guarantees the right to a free press, there are still some legal limitations on what news organizations can publish. For instance, federal courts have upheld jail sentences for reporters who refuse to divulge sources of classified information. Also, obscenity is another type of speech that is not protected by the […]
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