The New York Times (NYT) has been all too eager to take credit for blowing the lid on Hollywood film …
Late night host Jimmy Kimmel has been in the news lately for his gun control rhetoric. The comedian-turned-DNC talking point …
There’s no getting around it – liberals are some of the most hostile and angry human beings on the face …
Just in case there was any doubt left in your mind that former FBI Director James Comey was anything but …
Democrats who are still obsessing over the so-called Russia scandal are like children who throw temper tantrums in the supermarket …
A new survey has found that millions of American families who have been under severe financial strain thanks to skyrocketing …
The Washington-based nonprofit veterans group Got Your 6 has been working with the media industry to change the stereotypical portrayal of veterans …
Right off the bat I want say that I think, personally, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a decent and honorable …
President Trump was proved right this week that the federal government had indeed wiretapped his phones during the election, a …
In early March, President Donald J. Trump outraged the political and media establishment when he claimed in a tweet that …
As the Republican effort to do something about the disaster known as Obamacare ramps up, former Democratic presidential contender Sen. …
After a known terrorist with the Nourredine al-Zengi faction (the group responsible for beheading a twelve-year-old boy on camera), along with his compatriots in …
The Republican Party is in a rare historic position to completely dominate the American political scene for the next three …
If President Trump’s recent tweets are any indication, former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey isn’t going to …