Russian collusion
By Ethan Huff
FBI tag-teamed with complicit media to print fake accusations as justification for illegal FISA spying warrant… why is James Comey not being arrested?
Information that was leaked to the press by both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) was later used by these same agencies as “sources” to justify gaining FISA warrants on Trump advisor Carter page, new reports indicate. Representative Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, recently spilled the beans […]
By JD Heyes
A closer reading of Comey’s memos indicate briefing on “Russian dossier” was just a Deep State SET UP
Fired FBI Director James Comey is currently traveling around the country attending book signings and pretending as though he is the model of federal integrity. But the more his recently published memos are scrutinized, the more we learn he is little more than a devious Deep State scoundrel who may wind up behind bars when […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s proof that the Democrats are HELPING Russia undermine our political system and national security just to “get Trump”
I’ve not been a big fan of The New York Times’ coverage of President Donald J. Trump because I feel like the paper has gone out of its way to portray him in as negative a light as possible, even to the extent of publishing no small amount of fake news regarding the president and […]
By JD Heyes
Paging Jeff Sessions! Legal experts agree that Hillary and her campaign broke the law during the 2016 election, not Team Trump — PART I
Supporters of President Donald J. Trump and his “make America great again” agenda chafe daily at the realization that their candidate and officials with his campaign are under special investigation by a Deep State operative named Robert Mueller. That’s because they know it’s not Team Trump who ought to be under a legal microscope and […]
By JD Heyes
The same communist “mainstream media” now pushing “Trump is crazy” lie HID for a year the fact that Hillary paid for bogus “Russia dossier”
If you needed yet another reason to despise the so-called “mainstream media,” this story should qualify. For more than a year, the insane Left — led by the Democratic Party, which is fundamentally no different than the communist parties of China and the former Soviet Union — have pushed the never-proven, widely debunked narrative that […]
By JD Heyes
“Justice” for Trump? DoJ, FBI staffers and agents gave money to Hillary Clinton EVERY DAY of her 2016 campaign
Supporters of President Donald J. Trump, most of whom have long been convinced that there was no “collusion” between his presidential campaign and “the Russians,” regularly chafe at the fact that his own Justice Department appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to ‘investigate’ the allegation. What’s worse than Mueller’s appointment, they say, is who he’s hiring […]
By JD Heyes
ABC forced to “correct” FAKE NEWS report that candidate Trump directed Michael Flynn to talk to Russians — “Collusion” hoax takes another hit
Far-Left Democrats and their sycophantic allies in the “mainstream” media so want the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative to be true that they are willing to throw away all sense of reason and reality to believe it. That’s the only way to explain a series of events on Friday that left another legacy news organization with egg […]
By JD Heyes
Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter confirms: Russians didn’t steal the election
Americans have been lied to for a year now by the extreme political Left that somehow, some way, Russia “stole the election” from Hillary Clinton, even “colluding” with the campaign of Donald J. Trump to do so. It’s a lie that has never been proven, mind you, but it’s been told so many times that […]
By JD Heyes
Trump son-in-law Kushner to Congress and the Deep State: Russian “collusion” is completely BOGUS
While Americans continue to suffer under the tyranny and economic depravity of Obamacare and corporations continue to pay much more than their “fair share” in profits to the most wasteful entity on planet earth — the U.S. government — lawmakers remain much more interested in chasing Russian ghosts. The “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative that has been […]
By JD Heyes
Four ways U.S. intelligence reporting on “Trump-Russia collusion” is extremely deceptive
Ever since the November election the Deep State has been attempting to ‘sell’ the American public on the notion that Donald J. Trump and his campaign team somehow “colluded” with Russia to undermine the election and “steal” it from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Why? Because Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, of […]
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