By JD Heyes
Gun “waiting period” leads to a New Jersey woman being murdered… no outcry from the liberal media
The Leftist media are fond of saying they have support for and sympathize with those who are most defenseless in the face of evil, but they’re also the first ones to support depriving defenseless citizens of the means to adequately protect themselves when they’re in danger. The media’s knee-jerk support for Democratic anti-gun policies belies […]
By Mike Adams
President Trump saves the elephants of Zimbabwe: Big game hunting trophy ban to remain in place
Believe it or not, the murder of elephants with hunting rifles is routinely called “conservation” by government regulators. (Note carefully that human depopulation is also being promoted as a way to “save the planet” these days.) After government bureaucrats at the US Fish and Wildlife department announced a recent decision to allow big game “trophies” […]
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